Rocker TBT: The diverging careers of Zhang, Nagasu, and Wagner

Eight years ago, excited American skating fans were plotting the post-Kwan/Cohen/Hughes re-takeover of ladies' skating by the U.S. Just six months before, Caroline Zhang, Mirai Nagasu, and Ashley Wagner gave the U.S. its first sweep of the ladies' podium at the 2007 Junior Worlds. And in history since was just not what you would have expected based on what we saw in their potentials in 2007.

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Opining on 2015 Glacier Falls: First impressions

One name really stood out at 2015 Glacier Falls Summer Classic: Nathan Chen. We are barely into August, and the Grand Prix series isn't even starting for another two months, but there are some very interesting first impressions from this talent-packed American club competition in LA. Here are a few thoughts from Glacier Falls.

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