Thanks to the power of social media, the pre-season domestic competitions that we used to never see in the U.S. are now all available for everyone to watch! Results below are courtesy of the Twitterverse (particularly the host, Glacier Falls FSC @funclub1961) and videos are from our YouTubers (particularly The Skating Lesson). Below is a compilation of the results and videos from the senior men's short programs yesterday.
Men's short (FINAL)
1. Nathan Chen - 84.45 (TES 46.45, PCS 38.00)
2. Timothy Dolensky - 82.89 (TES 43.51, PCS 39.38)
3. Grant Hochstein - 73.98 (TES 38.60, PCS 36.38)
4. Richard Dornbush - 69.64 (TES 33.57, PCS 37.07)
5. Daniel Samohin - 67.22 (TES 33.33, PCS 33.89)
6. Sean Rabbitt - 66.31 (TES 32.06, PCS 35.25)
7. Scott Dyer - 61.89 (TES 27.45, PCS 35.44)
8. Jordan Moeller - 61.34 (TES 28.97, PCS 33.37)
9. Daniel Kulenkamp - 60.67 (TES 27.35, PCS 33.32)
10. Brendan Kerry - 59.96 (TES 27.14, PCS 33.82)
11. Jason Brown - 55.66 (TES 20.34, PCS 38.32)
Nathan Chen - quad toe (hangs on), triple axel, triple lutz-triple toe
Timothy Dolensky - triple axel (hangs on), triple flip-triple toe, triple lutz
Grant Hochstein - quad toe (fall), triple axel, double lutz-triple toe (foot down)
Richard Dornbush - quad toe (fall), single axel, triple lutz-triple toe (hangs on)
Sean Rabbitt - triple flip-triple toe, triple axel (underrotated, fall), triple lutz (step out)
Daniel Samohin - double toe, quad salchow (hangs on), triple axel
Jordan Moeller - quad toe (at least underrotated, two-foot), triple axel (underrotated, fall), triple lutz-triple toe (downgrade, step out, hand down)
Jason Brown - quad toe (downgrade, fall), triple axel (underrotated? fall), triple flip (downgrade, fall)